Most of these biographies were created with the information that I have collected over the last eight years and a few of the biographies were contributed by other family members. A percentage of the biographical essays were submitted to the Heritage book project: "The Heritage of Santa Rosa County, Florida".

I created a booklet, of these biographies, that was given out at this year's reunion- they went very fast. I plan to create more booklets for next year's reunion that will include revised and /or expanded versions from the 2003 reunion plus all the biographical essays that are sent to me between now and next year's reunion. If you would like to contribute your personal history or the history of someone in your family, to be included in this book, please let me know. Also if you would like to add information to any of these essays please contact me. The more information that we can add to these biographies the better. Our personal histories and memories are the greatest gifts that we can give our children and the future generations.

I'll add more biographies as they become available.

Washington Arnold Cooper
......2  John Jordan Cooper
...........+ Louisa Slay Cooper
..................3 Henry Moses Cooper

........................4  Thomas Franklin Cooper

..................3 William Erasmus Cooper

..................3 John Robinson Cooper

........................4  Annie Mae Cooper

..............................5  Mary Louise Hinote

....................................6  Jimmie Leonard Brock

.........................................7  James Horace Brock

..............................5  Fletcher Byron Hinote

..................3 James Fountain Cooper

........................4 Charles Robinson Cooper

........................ .....5 Marshall Fisher Cooper

....................................6  Shirley Jean Parker

....................................6  Charles Robinson Cooper II

....................................6  Marsha Luzanne Cooper

....................................6  Miles Davis Cooper

........................4  George Washington Cooper

..............................5 Morris Bryant Cooper

....................................6  Max Morris Cooper

........................4  John Jordan Cooper II

........................4  Bessie Elizabeth Cooper

..............................5 Pearlie Lorraine Wilson

........................ .....5 Noma Lee Wilson

..............................5 Matthew Cornelius Wilson, Jr.

........................4  Arlie Olevia Cooper

........................4  Susie Idell Cooper

........................4  Thomas David Cooper

........................4  Leila Agnes Cooper

..................3 Michael Raleigh Cooper

..................3 Susannah Demerah Cooper

..................3 Joseph Franklin Cooper

Misc. Files:

Cooper Basin