MAR. 5, 1872 - AUG. 7, 1946

Son of: Joel Jefferson Adams and Elizabeth Darby

Wife: Susanah Demmerrea Cooper


Father's page


1872 - Daniel was born in Florida on March 5, 1872. He was the third child of Jeff and Elizabeth Adams. He had two older brothers, William Adams born in 1865 and Eli Adams born in 1870. He also had two younger sisters: Effa Adams born in 1875 and Sarah Adams born in 1877. He may have had more siblings but these are the ones that I found so far.

1893 - Jasper married Susanah Demmerrea Cooper of the "Cooper Basin" Cooper clan on April 2, 1893.

After their marriage, Louisa Slay Cooper, Susanah's mother, gave Susanah and Jasper the southeast corner of the Cooper Basin homestead to build a home and live on. During their 50 years of marriage they had 8 children, two of which died at a very early age, but 6 grew to adulthood and married. Little is known, at this time, about Jasper other than that he was a farmer and a very hard worker that provided well for his family. He was also a fiddle player and played it at the frequent hoe-downs that they had at the family home. 

1916 - Jasper is mentioned in two newspaper articles that were written in "Cooperville" news in 1916.
Click the link for a PDF version of the articles: cooperville.pdf

1943 - On August 10, 1943 Jasper wife, Susanah, passes away.

1946 - On August 7, 1946, almost three years to the day, Jasper passes away. Jasper's and Susanah's final resting place is in the Milton Cemetery in Milton, Florida.