Saturday,  June 21, 2003,  Milton,  Florida

Imogene Adams DuBose and sister, Julie Nell Adams Varner, signing in at the entry table. Imogene and Julie are granddaughters of Susannah Demerah Cooper Adams.

At the entry table family members and friends sign their names and write their current address in this year's CBC's family reunion attendance book. There are three others sheets where they can write the names of births, marriages and deaths of family members during the last year.

Also on the entry table, they pick-up this year's update package for their CBC genealogy book, this years program and their nametag that is color coordinated to the individual branches. Last but not least is a red coffee can that I've used since the first reunion to collect donations for the reunion.

This year, Jim Brock donated some customized pens inscribed with "Cooper Basin Coopers Reunion 2003, Milton, Florida" and some small sewing kits to be given out at the reunion.